Friday, April 1, 2011

United States of CollaborAction?

Thoughts inspired by recent work with the collabo-kids on "Let them eat cake" - themed on revolution. These thoughts are only my perception, and I mean not to preach - i promise there's a big point at the end. (I dont judge you for thinkin differently, if you do.)

Edit: switched the order, for better sense-making. Happy reading.

Working with Collaboraction last month reminded me of why I [heart] this company = the group mentality. We came into a room with little but a phrase "Let Them Eat Cake" and some inspiring French artwork. By the end of our first rehearsal we had built a skeleton of performance, and by the second rehearsal's end we had fleshed it out. We were able to build a unique show in 6 hours because we came together with open minds, unafraid of judgment of our ideas and creative input. If an idea held value amongst the entire group it stayed, if it didnt it evolved until it did. And If any of us had allowed our own personal desires to creep in, the project would have stalemated and fallen apart. This kind of communal problem solving is where I see success in our future as a society.

Whatever our individual gripes are - in regards to the state of our nation/world - I can guarantee the roots are in selfish desire. Ourselves. Why waste precious time, money and mind on getting wasted, or having the "newest" trend, or eating the finest food? Pay attention to your body, and your soul, and your neighbor. Reach out to your fellow human beings - whether you think their worse or better off than you - and show them (not tell, not buy) your love and appreciation, your understanding, and your willingness. We're all in this together.

Be well, love Life

and now...
There is much to be said about how poorly our current Federal State runs, and much to be said of its better side. What strikes me as the greatest crack in our foundation is our (people, as a whole) ignorance and inability to work together selflessly towards a universally better future. This ignorance to our societal foibles is a reflection of our ignorance to our human foibles: sloth, greed, envy, lust, hatred, gluttony, and pride. And unless we're among the lotus-seated in tibet, I doubt we're fully innocent. I know I'm not. And if we think ignorance is bliss, i'd challenge our concept of "bliss" - I certainly think we dont have any reason to complain about the state of anything in our "existence" if this ignorance truly brings us bliss. Hopefully, we're of a different mind - one where we recognize we're all slaves to desire, and that its hard work to break free. If progress we're easy we'd be in paradise by now. So, we're ready for real change, and Obama (or any other "elected" official) aint gunna do it for us. We're gonna change ourselves.

I'm not talkin revelations, or evangelism - i'm talking quality of existence; REAL quality, not imagined, consumer quality. This is not to say we're all supposed to throw out our "belongings" and burn our money - what I mean is this: in order to affect our reflection (society at large/our "chosen" governing body) we have to first change what is being reflected - ourselves. If you want CEOs and Judges and Senators who value the greater good (not just their or OUR own personal interests) then we have to value the greater good. By value, I don't mean just thinking about the greater good, or even also talking about the greater good - there HAS to be action involved. By writing this, I am reminding myself that I have lots of work to do in that arena, and hopefully you as well. All of us.

Love Life.

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