Saturday, December 31, 2011

For those of us who don't already set personal...

For those of us who don't already set personal goals on a regular basis - more regularly than once a year, anyway - Sancho and I wish you faith and fortitude in your resolutions on this rather superfluously symbolic occasion, the gregorian New Years Eve. May we all come together in warmth as friends and family to celebrate our selves and our relationships more than once in 2012. The illusions of time and money are powerless against what we truly wish and act to become. I make a resolution every time I wake up to love my foibles and challenge my talents; to make the best of every obstacle and share that success with at least one other human life by the time I return to sleep. I love each of you for the part you've played in my sliver of this weird, wild thing called "Life." We're all in this together. Cheers to us.

The Warmth

"I'd like to close my eyes and go numb but there's a cold wind coming from the top of the highest high-rise today.

It's not a breeze 'cause it blows hard Yes and it wants me to discard the humanity I know, watch the warmth blow away.

Do you think I should adhere to that pressing new frontier? and leave in my wake a trail of fear(?)

Or should I hold my head up high and throw a wrench in spokes by leaving the air behind me clear?

Don't let the world bring you down Not everyone here is that fucked up and cold.

Remember why you came and while you're alive experience the warmth before you grow old" - a breeze 'cause it blows hard. It said it wants me to discard the humanity, I now watch the warmth blow away. So don't let the world bring ...
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Thursday, December 22, 2011

Leg one of vacation December 2011 just about...

Leg one of vacation December 2011 just about wrapped up. Manitou, Colorado was incredible-there's an abundance of love happening there. Now I'm awaiting my delayed flight out of Denver, off to leg 2 with the family in Kansas city!
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Sunday, December 11, 2011

Currently looking for #NineInchNails appreciating...

Currently looking for #NineInchNails appreciating lighting, scenic, branding and costume designers for a one-of-kind action show in Chicago: "THE HA_LO GAMES" is set to open next fall. Produced by Roundhouse Productions, set to music of +Trent Reznor/NIN

Please email with inquiries. Include c/v, portfolio, or demo.
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Thursday, September 8, 2011


"Duality" (the balance of Life) has been popping up in my Life's 'stream' quite a lot lately; and by no coincidence either, I feel. Is our world balancing itself, or is it the opposite: Is our world so far out of balance that it is a matter too impressing to ignore, forcing us to look for the rainbow through the rainfall? It's no secret that Duality exists universally - on the macro scale, micro scale and everywhere in between - but it's fascinating to me that we all realize this balancing force differently in our individual perspectives. This inspires me to ask:

What does "Duality" mean to you? Do you notice it often, and In what ways? How does it make you feel when you sense it?

To me, duality is motion. Perspective is dependent on duality. It is contrast, conflict, and conclusion. I see it on the train. I hear it on the street. I feel it as I drift to sleep.

Sure I've made treasure of another persons trash. I do frequently. I also judge a person through observing them, and then discover the other side in conversation with them. I shake off the bitter winter and thank it for giving me reason to love summer.

I close my eyes and feel as though I am stationary and everywhere at once. Duality gives me purpose.

I am curious about others though, I want to know how you feel about Duality. Is it woo-woo bullshit for new age hippies; or, is it the driving force in your life?


Never stop moving,

Friday, April 1, 2011

United States of CollaborAction?

Thoughts inspired by recent work with the collabo-kids on "Let them eat cake" - themed on revolution. These thoughts are only my perception, and I mean not to preach - i promise there's a big point at the end. (I dont judge you for thinkin differently, if you do.)

Edit: switched the order, for better sense-making. Happy reading.

Working with Collaboraction last month reminded me of why I [heart] this company = the group mentality. We came into a room with little but a phrase "Let Them Eat Cake" and some inspiring French artwork. By the end of our first rehearsal we had built a skeleton of performance, and by the second rehearsal's end we had fleshed it out. We were able to build a unique show in 6 hours because we came together with open minds, unafraid of judgment of our ideas and creative input. If an idea held value amongst the entire group it stayed, if it didnt it evolved until it did. And If any of us had allowed our own personal desires to creep in, the project would have stalemated and fallen apart. This kind of communal problem solving is where I see success in our future as a society.

Whatever our individual gripes are - in regards to the state of our nation/world - I can guarantee the roots are in selfish desire. Ourselves. Why waste precious time, money and mind on getting wasted, or having the "newest" trend, or eating the finest food? Pay attention to your body, and your soul, and your neighbor. Reach out to your fellow human beings - whether you think their worse or better off than you - and show them (not tell, not buy) your love and appreciation, your understanding, and your willingness. We're all in this together.

Be well, love Life

and now...
There is much to be said about how poorly our current Federal State runs, and much to be said of its better side. What strikes me as the greatest crack in our foundation is our (people, as a whole) ignorance and inability to work together selflessly towards a universally better future. This ignorance to our societal foibles is a reflection of our ignorance to our human foibles: sloth, greed, envy, lust, hatred, gluttony, and pride. And unless we're among the lotus-seated in tibet, I doubt we're fully innocent. I know I'm not. And if we think ignorance is bliss, i'd challenge our concept of "bliss" - I certainly think we dont have any reason to complain about the state of anything in our "existence" if this ignorance truly brings us bliss. Hopefully, we're of a different mind - one where we recognize we're all slaves to desire, and that its hard work to break free. If progress we're easy we'd be in paradise by now. So, we're ready for real change, and Obama (or any other "elected" official) aint gunna do it for us. We're gonna change ourselves.

I'm not talkin revelations, or evangelism - i'm talking quality of existence; REAL quality, not imagined, consumer quality. This is not to say we're all supposed to throw out our "belongings" and burn our money - what I mean is this: in order to affect our reflection (society at large/our "chosen" governing body) we have to first change what is being reflected - ourselves. If you want CEOs and Judges and Senators who value the greater good (not just their or OUR own personal interests) then we have to value the greater good. By value, I don't mean just thinking about the greater good, or even also talking about the greater good - there HAS to be action involved. By writing this, I am reminding myself that I have lots of work to do in that arena, and hopefully you as well. All of us.

Love Life.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Full, and still hungry.

I'm sittin at a cafe, feeling pretty jazzed about the future.

Today was my first with the cast of MacBeth, to be seen live at New Rock Theater following the revival of Point Break Live! Chicago, (also, featuring five of us from PBL). Our fearless leader is Shakes' veteran Mary Beth Liss, taking us into an innovative tech-savvy mounting of the infamous Scottish Play at New Rock's second stage.

And of course, PBL returns in a month with (nearly) the entire cast from Chicago's original cast. Rehearsals begin tomorrow. yeeyah!

Following all this fun is Predator the Musical (mid-summer), produced by the zany brains (castmates from PBL) who are bringing us MacB.

Still working with Raffe (upcoming show at Lilly's Bar on Thursday) on raising that recording fund/music video.  And "Water" cast and crew meetup next month. YES!

With all this magic happening, I cannot forget the friends and family who support me, create with me, and inspire me. Thank you, all of you. I can never share my gratitude enough, but you are nevertheless invaluable to me. You all have my unconditional love. You make starving worthwhile.

Now i'm off to more madness, gotta keep this busy brain movin.

Be well, spread Love!

PS Check back soon, for some COLLABORACTION love. Inspiring stuff going on at the Flat Iron.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Queen's Gambit

Its another "first day;" as I turn to face a very excitingly uncertain future, I put to rest a very trying age of enlightenment and embrace the oncoming swarm of artistic opportunities, adventures, and possibilities. I've advanced to a higher stage of Life's never-ending chess tournament.

Yesterday, I joined the ranks of the "Laid-off" - an event I not only anticipated, but also eagerly awaited. Though I was "content" in my position with the cafe, it held no promise of promotion or fertility. I can gratefully look back at my time with SCC as a fantastic voyage: I discovered the tricks and traps of owning and managing an independent artisanal business in Chicago, fell more deeply in love with craft coffee and its encompassing sensory experiences, and fortified my necessity for creative process and collaboration in everything into which I dive my heart and soul.

I could certainly be much worse off turning this leaf. Spring is nigh, and so with it brings growth, (consequently evolution), warmth, and longer days. I have more artistic partnerships and inspirations now than ever, and an often overwhelmingly fantastic perception of and approach to this individually common experience we call Life. Meditation and wholistic health ground me, my senses enliven me, my soul impassions me, family and friends and strangers give purpose to those passions. Yes, life could be worse.

An overview of upcoming artistic ventures:
- promising interview with Ballroom Dance Chicago.
- promising audition for "Mother's Milk" low budget feature film.
- currently developing my website with RECasper.
- "Raffe": booking gigs, promoting, music video direction, and possible collaboration.
- developing a guerrilla social experiment "Dance or Die"
- "Let Them Eat Cake" in rehearsals now, performing in March @ Workbook, Art Institute, Carnivale.
- begin teaching "Tuning-In: Character Acting through sound and movement." in March.
- Production meetings for "Water" begin in March. 
- Point Break, Live! returns for 6 weekends, beginning late March
- cast as the Porter in MacBeth at New Rock Theater in May
- and continuing to write, paint and make music. 

My senses do not deceive me, though. I am aware that great challenge awaits me; in this world it depends greatly on income and I have little of that at present. This excites me, however, as I thrive in the midst of challenge. I crave problems to solve. My senses are heightened and they continue to guide me through the maze called "Balance."

Balance means my passions, talents, and enjoyable employable skills entirely support my health and my wealth. The puzzle is in the process of discovering how I and my passions, talents, and enjoyable employable skills can effectively collaborate with the community, society, world and universe in which we exist. It's a mix of philosophy, sociology, child psychology, quantum metaphysics, statistics, and logistics. It's a sales and stock strategy. It's a duality of student and teacher. It's intuitive. It's a social experiment. It's gaining control by letting go. I can't overcome the obstacle unless I acknowledge and submit to its existence. It's a chess game with Goliath.

I've done my studying. I've watched him play. I've prepared my mind and soul, and set up my board.  I'm White, and it's my move. Queen's gambit: pawn to d4.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Dance, Magic. Dance.

I just wrapped up the first weekend with Collaboraction out at Millenium Park's ice rink. As David Bowie. And we have discovered that, although many 16 year old girls don't know anything about David Bowie, they appreciate his, um, flare - probably in part thanks to Gaga. speaking of the Lady in Meat...

Through the month of February on Friday and Saturday nights, 5 of us can be seen in Millenium Park ice 'dancing' to various themes. You just missed '80's' weekend; however 'Valentines', 'Disco' and 'Lady Gaga' weekends are still to come. Yes, a weekend of ice skating dedicated to Lady Gaga. No, I don't know what that will entail...meat jackets on ice, maybe?

Admittedly, dancing on ice is not my most graceful of moments and the discovery of yet more underused leg muscles has me reminded of rehearsals for the cruise ships a few years back (the days of yore). Despite the weeks of callousing and muscle spasms, my time at sea was incredible. Sure it helped that I was cruising the beaches of the Caribbean, but dancing every day didnt hurt either. There's something to be said for the incredibly cathartic effects of dancing. When we stray from Life's rhythm, dancing can put us back on track - give us our groove back, so to speak.

I am inspired by this. I wonder what would happen if one person just started dancing, 'out of place' like mid-day in a city square. Would others join in? Or just watch? My assumption is mostly the latter, but I feel like the former could happen plenty if the music was catchy enough, and loud enough. How would this change if it were a group dancing, instead of the individual? Just ask [this guy]. Obviously booze n drugs (and warm weather) help liberate the dancer in us all, but I think he is on to something.

Til that warm weather shows up, I guess we're stuck with ice dancing. At least I am, and if you're feeling stagnant you can come join David Bowie and Meat Jackets on Ice!

Be well, spread Love.

I love the 80's : Bowie & Jagger Dancing in the Street.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Latest: Headshots and Tap Dancing

I've recently had my head shots redone, this time again with the lovely and talented miss Alexis Buryk of Lexi B Photography ( The plan is to land an agent by June, and in the mean time score a couple more great gigs on my own.

Also very exciting, for me at least, are inspirations by way of dancing - tap in particular. More to come later.

If you have tips on navigating "Blogger", or tricks for attaching, sharing, or linking content - you're input is invaluable. Thanks in advance.

Be wise, spread Love.

All photos courtesy of Lexi B Photography (c) 2010, 2011

Trying something Different (for me, that is).

Hi friends and strangers. Thanks for following me; "Playing the Card" is a place where those in interest can catch up on my latest interests, musings, and adventures. That's all for now.

Be wise, spread Love.